first friday
i had fun working at the autismlink table for first friday. i gave out all the bracelets for autism awareness and lollipops to kids. it made me feel great because i liked it and wanted to be in it. it made me know that i was helpful and people wanted me to help like ann and cindy and mom. i got the first face painting done it was flowers on my arm actually. dad did the face painting and mom and another guy helped too. we went to molly branigans for dinner before we worked at the table we split a fish and chips me and dad. other kids got face painting done the kids got them on their arms or on their cheeks some got their whole face done. i talked to cindy a little bit about what its like to have autism. the kids got to play in the duck pond and get a prize the kids wanted me to talk to them a little and to help so i did a really great job. it made me happy to know that our whole world of mt lebanon wanted me to help and be a fun worker so i could be more relaxed and stuff. the end.
At 7/10/2007 12:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
It was nice to see you at first fridays. the bracelet that you sold me is really cute!!! Im wearing it right now!!!!!!
Seeya, Your friend,
Helena S
At 7/10/2007 8:13 PM,
Sabrina said…
thanks helena i hope you like you autism awareness bracelet i like to help the autism center from sabrina
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