Bria Maria Online

I am writing a blog about me and autism. My name is Sabrina and I like to be called Bria.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Saying the rude word

Sean and I were sitting in the resource room. We were aying jokes to each other and laughing. Then MJ and Eric were doing it also. Then MJ said Fox nose and we laughed. Sean did not laugh cause he got mad cause he doe not like when people say fox. Then Mrs. Young came over and said to me please be quiet. ANd she said that to MJ and Eric also. Then MJ said fox again and we kept laughing and saying it also. Then Mrs. Young came over and said Sabrina, please be Sabrina don't try to be like someone else. You are nice and you do not say rude things to people so please do not say rude things anymore even if other children do it. Then I felt Mrs. Young was mad and I raised my hand and said Mrs. Young can I use the bathroom down the hall and she said absolutely. But Sean got mad cause I said the rude word. I would like to say to him I'm sorry Sean for saying that to you I won't do it again Love Bria.

And I will try to think about things before I say them and not just listen to other children like Mrs. Young said and my mom said it also and I talked to my mom and told her about the rude word and she was happy I told her and said how would you feel if you wanted someone to stop and they didn't and kept on doing it and I said I would feel sad. But if other children were laughing like with a game and maybe I could laugh also and mom did not know if that was good. The end.


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