school news
i have been doing really good in school. i have been making good progress and also i have been using dashboard every day to check my calendar and my assignments. dance has been going really well. i'm working on doing the quick change into dance clothes like leotard and dance pants and then getting out on the dance floor on time for class. ballet is more doable because it has specific steps I can practice and then learn more stuff. I passed both of my history tests and we are working on the reformation I did a presentation on the reformation today also I worked really hard on taking notes so they were all nice and neat today with good handwriting. I pack my own lunch every day cause I do not want to stand and wait in a lunch line cause it is too long and i do not like to eat in the cafeteria because it is too loud and noisy i do not have friends at lunch like no one to sit with but i just want to eat my lunch anyway i could sit in the cafeteria like i can do it but i just dont feel like sitting by myself in that cafeteria. I am doing great in language the reading class i take like reading out loud into the microphone and reading quickly. i am really good with phonics and spelling also. my keyboarding class is going so well i finished lesson 8 today i am working on lesson 9 and my typing skills on the keyboard like how to use my fingers on the keys. math has been really good for me cause it is so easy and i can memorize things real well so i am the only one in the class who really knows plus and minus like math calculations. i never had a math book lately and no math homework this whole year this whole school time. some of the other children do not speak like peter. i know how to speak real well i really feel like i can speak but i am kind of quiet in class as i always am. i do not know how i can teach peter to speak so the teachers will have to teach him how to speak. we are working on paragraphs and writing in english class i enjoy doing it i think i need practice with staying focused with my topicand doing more writing. the end.
At 9/22/2008 6:23 PM,
Karma said…
hi. new at ur blog. very cute! hope u stop by mine :)
At 7/12/2009 7:17 PM,
Sabrina said…
ok i will thanks for reading mine
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