busy summer
i am busy this summer. i have my online class and its going real well its a class in earth science and i am taking it through ecademypa which is with the aiu and mt lebanon will accept the credit so i have to read my lessons and do my work like submissions and labs and i am passing so far. i am also doing my esy class at mt lebanon it is going real well too and i do reading strategies and math and pre algebra. i am playing baseball too on the challenger league and i am also still taking guitar lessons at empire music. so my next project will be to work on the green teens group cause green relates to the environment and we will want to be eco friendly like reduce, reuse, recycle. my mom will help with the group since she does the sustainability stuff at duquesne. i like to hang out with my friend hanna cause shes such a nice girl and really makes me happy and we go places like bowling and i want to go to the movies and see 17 again that sounds like a really nice movie and zac efron is in it. i like to be busy but i dont like to be bored so i have been buying puzzles that are like 1000 or 750 pieces to do when i am at homeand it takes me sometimes a couple weeks to do them and thats it for now.
At 7/02/2009 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
finally i get to read your blog! it has taken me forever to get here, but I am happy to see your work. It is inspiring. Makes me want to do it myself. Christy
At 7/07/2009 9:30 PM,
mpayne said…
Hi Sabrina,
I hope this doesn't post twice. I tried once but I had to sign in and then my post disappeared! Anyway, you spoke at our UCP Kids workshop in May and I just found your blog site. I've enjoyed reading your blogs, so keep up the good work and keep writing. I hope you are enjoying your summer.
At 7/12/2009 7:01 PM,
Sabrina said…
christy and mindy thanks for posting on my blog and also i wanted to ask thanks for reading my blog sabrina
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