Bria Maria Online

I am writing a blog about me and autism. My name is Sabrina and I like to be called Bria.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Writing books

I would like to write books about what autism is like cause I want to get more focused in them and tell people about autism because it could help the children with autism because if they can’t talk too well then they can’t tell other people what it’s like so it will make them feel proud themselves on what they do because it will help other people if they try to help the children then they will know what it’s like to have autism. It will help the children get more focused and relaxed cause people will know what to do to help the other children. So then people might think autism’s cool because they will know what to say or do for someone with autism.

I think autism’s cool. It’s very hard to have autism sometimes and autism is really challenging for me like it’s really tough for me to know how to get plugged back in and what to do and stuff so that’s why I tell my mom and write it down so I can remember how to help myself cause being unplugged gets me frustrated sometimes. When I get overwhelmed and come unplugged sometimes I can’t get plugged back in so I need someone to help me sometimes. Sometimes I don’t even know that I’m getting unplugged but not really I usually stay more plugged in and stuff so I really fight it hard. I like to stay plugged in because I like being part of everything like my family and my school classes and being part of teams like cheer and baseball and helping in Mt. Lebanon like being part of the community so basically I just want to be included even when I’m quiet and just listening to what the teacher’s saying or whatever’s going on like if I have to study for a test or something. Autism should be accepted and everyone should think it’s ok and everyone with autism should just be included and I think it’s fine so when you have autism you could be a great person and everyone should be included in something. The end.


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