Bria Maria Online

I am writing a blog about me and autism. My name is Sabrina and I like to be called Bria.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

hanging out at gramma and paps

i went to paps and grammas and colored easter eggs for them and we also went to lunch and then bowling i got 3strikes and 2spares which you know was awesome. we had a great dinner before i went home. then after i got home we walked the dogs and i saw a orians belt which is 3stars in a row its a constelation of stars and its very small in the sky. tomorrow i have a dentist appointment for my bottom braces like the ones i have on now like a bright green wow thats nice and i am gonna play some jokes on daddy tommorrow and on my mom too tomorrow since tomorrow is april fools day hahahahahaha thats it from bria.


  • At 4/11/2010 7:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hey Bria, Nice blog post glad you had a great Easter. How are all your blog thoughts going?

    Do you think blogs are the new cool thing?


  • At 4/12/2010 5:56 PM, Blogger Sabrina said…

    i love blogs and i think they are a really good thing because i think that i write all the stuff down whats on my mind and i also think that i comment whats on my mind too. hope you had a good easter too.


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