Bria Maria Online

I am writing a blog about me and autism. My name is Sabrina and I like to be called Bria.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

sinus headache 5-30-11

I have a sinus headache
It is the frontal sinus and the cell called method which is another form of ethmoid and it is used for other reasons like if say for instance you had a cold and the maxillary sinus and the nasal cavity it is when you get them up by your nasal passage or you can have an infection in your maxillary sinus it is effecting the nose and the head both you can research it on line it is www. Sinus headaches .org and they have the stuff right there for you It’s a nice thing because once you can get rid of the headache you tend to feel better and my mom had one of those she did the exact same thing I can hardly pull it up on here but Benadryl that’s even better
You can take some aleve that’s a great way to start or IB profen that’s nice too.
Same thing drink baking soda water every day to help
I don’t have a headache anymore I just am really stuffy I need some allergy med for now like some singulair that will help a lot


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