Bria Maria Online

I am writing a blog about me and autism. My name is Sabrina and I like to be called Bria.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

leadership day

i went to pyln leadership day on saturday which is the pennsylvania youth leadership network and mrs. dunlap and mrs. webster nominated me and i was picked to represent mt. lebanon high school. my dad took me to the workshop and i participated in the workshop and we talked about the pyln like what your needs are and how you can contribute. then after the workshop we went to fun fest for bowling so over all it went really well

then today aunt renee took me to horse back riding and sarah my horse was awesome we did some trotting we trotted back and forth on the plat form and i went with my cousin she watched me and aunt nay watched me while i did my lesson and i was great thats it from bria


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