American girl dolls
i saw american girl dolls on the american girl website they have really nice outfits for the dolls. i saw a cheerleading outfit which i already have for my american girl doll savannah. i saw some new outfits that looked cool like the soccer outfit that even had shin guards, the karate outfit it had the belt to go around it, i saw the irish dance outfit it was green and brenda would really like it because she likes irish stuff. i like having an american girl doll because she's nice to play with, nice to hug, i like dressing her up and making up stories with her like once upon a time savannah saw a little dog its name was coconut and i could pretend shes rescuing it from another dog named roxy thats playing too rough with it and i could help savannah teach them how to play nice together and be friends and stop what theyre doing and i would pretend that theyre walking together and savannah couldbe taking them for a walk to the park and they could play nicely with the other dogs and everyone would be happy together. the end.